Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Garden of Love Analysis Essay Example For Students

The Garden of Love Analysis Essay The Garden of Love is, quite obviously, a poem about life and the pursuit of happiness. It is also about the effects that negativity can have on love. Blake uses religion to convey the idea that negativity pervades and corrupts all life(51 n.9), further supporting it with his use of rhyme scheme and imagery. In searching for love people often times emerge scarred and hostile from their fruitless efforts. Some continue to have faith in the idea of love and its possibilities, others do not. These folk sometimes seek refuge from their pain in a variety of houses. It is just as often that these refugees project their negative attitudes onto others that search for love and happiness. People who fear love can prevent others from finding it, because they change the positive surroundings to suit their negative world. the conflict between organized religion and the individual is the constant idea throughout the poem. Blake, himself, despised the Church, as an institution rather than an idea, and used religious symbols to show how structured religion can destroy the lover and creator within. A chapel has been built, perverting a once pure and loving environment. In inspecting the chapel, the persona feels only negativity from a religious house, as the gates are shut And Thou shalt not writ over the door(6). Not only has man and machine invaded this place once full of life, but they have also brought with them negative commandments. The negative phrase, Thou shalt not defies the instructions in Deuteronomy to write Thou shalt- a positive commandment- upon the posts of they house and on thy gates, supporting the notion that negative commandments pervade and corrupt all life(51 n.9). Other images are used to represent individual and Church, positive and negative. He uses words that exude life and breath, such as green, love, bore, and sweet flowers. These are all positive images that support the individuals search for creativity and love within the natural environment(pre-C hurch). Blake uses negative images to represent the Church, which in turn conveys the effects that negativity and pessimism can have on positive things. Negativity can often overpower positivity. In The Garden of Love negative images invade a positive environment and change it to suit its needs. The Church tears apart the natural environment in order to create a church, shuts the gates to keep out evil and poor people, and replacing the Garden of Love with a garden of death by substituting tombstones for flowers. Blake uses words that imply darkness and negativity, such as new building, gates, graves, black gowns, and briars. The positive images that are present in the first stanza of the poem eventually disappear and the poem is overflowing with negatives. And I saw it was filled with graves,/And tomb-stones where flowers should be:/And Priests in black gowns, were walking their rounds,/And binding with briars, my joys desires(9-12). The images of innocence and life that introduce d the persona finds her place of refuge overgrown with darkness and infected with limitations. As Jean Hagstrum said, It is always the institutional Urizen who perverts natural life. In the garden of love in Experience stands an altar, and priests read commands from a book on a lectern (531). What used to be a place lush with life and hope is being confined by negativity. Blakes use of conflicting imagery shows how negativity is infectious and limits love. Blake also uses the persona to show the effects of negativity on positivity. The persona changes throughout the poem as the influence of the organized Church on the environment increases. In the beginning, the voice is innocent, pure, open, and exploring, saying, I went to the Garden of Love,/and saw what I never had seen/Where I used to play on the green (1-4). The voice was individualistic and not influenced by any powers other than her own. However, as the poem progresses and the persona experiences more negativity, that voice changes. In the final lines, with the addition of internal rhyme scheme, the voice seems trapped and confused. And Priests in black gowns, were walking their rounds,/And binding with briars, my joys desires(11-12). In the first two stanzas of the .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d , .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .postImageUrl , .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d , .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d:hover , .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d:visited , .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d:active { border:0!important; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d:active , .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0f3f38a904d5b724a61c1a4478cab02d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Rosa Parks Research Essay We will write a custom essay on The Garden of Love Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Rostows Stages of Economic Growth and Development

Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth and Development Geographers often seek to categorize places using a scale of development, frequently dividing nations into the developed and developing, first world and third world, or core and periphery. All of these labels are based on judging a countrys development, but this raises the question: what exactly does it mean to be developed, and why have some countries developed while others have not? Since the beginning of the twentieth century, geographers and those involved with the vast field of Development Studies have sought to answer this question, and in the process, have come up with many different models to explain this phenomenon. W.W. Rostow and the Stages of Economic Growth One of the key thinkers in twentieth-century Development Studies was W.W. Rostow, an American economist, and government official. Prior to Rostow, approaches to development had been based on the assumption that modernization was characterized by the Western world (wealthier, more powerful countries at the time), which were able to advance from the initial stages of underdevelopment. Accordingly, other countries should model themselves after the West, aspiring to a modern state of capitalism and liberal democracy. Using these ideas, Rostow penned his classic Stages of Economic Growth in 1960, which presented five steps through which all countries must pass to become developed: 1) traditional society, 2) preconditions to take-off, 3) take-off, 4) drive to maturity and 5) age of high mass consumption. The model asserted that all countries exist somewhere on this linear spectrum, and climb upward through each stage in the development process: Traditional Society: This stage is characterized by a subsistent, agricultural based economy, with intensive labor and low levels of trading, and a population that does not have a scientific perspective on the world and technology.Preconditions to Take-off: Here, a society begins to develop manufacturing, and a more national/international, as opposed to regional, outlook.Take-off: Rostow describes this stage as a short period of intensive growth, in which industrialization begins to occur, and workers and institutions become concentrated around a new industry.Drive to Maturity: This stage takes place over a long period of time, as standards of living rise, the use of technology increases, and the national economy grows and diversifies.Age of High Mass Consumption: At the time of writing, Rostow believed that Western countries, most notably the United States, occupied this last developed stage. Here, a countrys economy flourishes in a capitalist system, characterized by mass productio n and consumerism. Rostows Model in Context Rostows Stages of Growth model is one of the most influential development theories of the twentieth century. It was, however, also grounded in the historical and political context in which he wrote. Stages of Economic Growth was published in 1960, at the height of the Cold War, and with the subtitle A Non-Communist Manifesto, it was overtly political. Rostow was fiercely anti-communist and right-wing; he modeled his theory after western capitalist countries, which had industrialized and urbanized. As a staff member in President John F. Kennedys administration, Rostow promoted his development model as part of U.S. foreign policy. Rostows model illustrates a desire not only to assist lower-income countries in the development process but also to assert the United States influence over that of communist Russia. Stages of Economic Growth in Practice: Singapore Industrialization, urbanization, and trade in the vein of Rostows model are still seen by many as a roadmap for a countrys development. Singapore is one of the best examples of a country that grew in this way and is now a notable player in the global economy. Singapore is a southeast Asian country with a population of over five million, and when it became independent in 1965, it did not seem to have any exceptional prospects for growth. However, it industrialized early, developing profitable manufacturing and high-tech industries. Singapore is now highly urbanized, with 100% of the population considered urban. It is one of the most sought-after trade partners in the international market, with a higher per-capita income than many European countries. Criticisms of Rostows Model As the Singapore case shows, Rostows model still sheds light on a successful path to economic development for some countries. However, there are many criticisms of his model. While Rostow illustrates faith in a capitalist system, scholars have criticized his bias towards a western model as the only path towards development. Rostow lays out five succinct steps towards development and critics have cited that all countries do not develop in such a linear fashion; some skip steps or take different paths. Rostows theory can be classified as top-down, or one that emphasizes a trickle-down modernization effect from urban industry and western influence to develop a country as a whole. Later theorists have challenged this approach, emphasizing a bottom-up development paradigm, in which countries become self- sufficient through local efforts, and urban industry is not necessary. Rostow also assumes that all countries have a desire to develop in the same way, with the end goal of high mass cons umption, disregarding the diversity of priorities that each society holds and different measures of development. For example, while Singapore is one of the most economically prosperous countries, it also has one of the highest income disparities in the world. Finally, Rostow disregards one of the most fundamental geographical principals: site and situation. Rostow assumes that all countries have an equal chance to develop, without regard to population size, natural resources, or location. Singapore, for instance, has one of the worlds busiest trading ports, but this would not be possible without its advantageous geography as an island nation between Indonesia and Malaysia. In spite of the many critiques of Rostows model, it is still one of the most widely cited development theories and is a primary example of the intersection of geography, economics, and politics. Sources: Binns, Tony, et al. Geographies of Development: An Introduction to Development Studies, 3rd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2008. Singapore. CIA World Factbook, 2012. Central Intelligence Agency. 21 August 2012.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Ethics And Surrounding Theories Philosophy Essay

Business Ethics And Surrounding Theories Philosophy Essay Business ethics for quite some time now has been a global issue as the case maybe in business deliveries. Business ethics may be defined as way managers take decision that will make their business reputation to be morally sound in business transaction. It entails that transparency is involve in decision making, ethical issue in business delivery is very vital to protect the image of the company (Boatright 2007). Business ethics help’s manager’s to take the right decision in business transaction in other to keep their business moving at a rapid growth in the economy (Nash 1990) Ethics can also be defined as the study of how morality are involve in human decision to build their business reputation (Borland 1999).Ethical solution to business transaction has a lot possible solution to make business to deliver it objectives. The term ethics also has another, quite different use as the case may be which is to denote the field of moral philosophy. Every manager has a way to s how transparency and accountability to the business approach, in other to make the right decision in business. ETHICAL THEORIES Teleological frameworks: these are the conduct of an individual or the outcome of an individual action.(mill, 1864).Ethical egoism entails that the decision that individual take will be in mutual interest of the organisation and balance it to be mutual beneficial in business transaction. Ego is derived from a Latin word meaning self, ethical egoism allows for self-interests to play a role in the actions of the individual as long as there are also positive benefits for others. The level of rationalization may evolve into the justification that pursuing a person self- interest is necessary to generate a positive outcome for others.(Beauchamp and Bowie 1997). Deontological frameworks: This aspect focuses whether the action is right or wrong on ethical issues. The duty of the person taking such decision is highly considered as the case may be in ethics. Ethical theories; these theories involves the way or approach which are linked with philosophical empiricism and utilitarianism.(George 1999). The act of utilitarianism deals with the decision that one will take which will make him feel relax in business transaction and the outcome of the business will be positive depending on the application. The rule utilitarian states that the decision the manager’s will result in potential rules of action. (Graham 1990). Business reputation in the context of business to business, deals with a way manager relate with other vital issue which will protect the image of the company. If adherence to the rule produces more positive result than otherwise, it is a rule that morally will be highly considered. The distinction between act and rule utilitarianism is based on the outcome should be highly considered in calculating the effect on business related issues. UTILITARIANISM: According to utilitarianism, our obligation or duty in any situation is to p erform the action that will result in the possible balance of good over evil. ln classical utilitarianism, pleasure is taken to be more beneficial to compare with pain and harms which are evil.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cadbury and Mobil Management Organization Case Study

Cadbury and Mobil Management Organization - Case Study Example But as the technology evolved and organization faced more competition in the marketplace then the need for the new system implementation has increased. This new project for the implementation of the SAP R/3 will completely change the structure for the working of organization and also provide them the competitive edge. The second company is the Mobil Oil Australia Limited that is previously using Sap system for the data processing and as a core back-office system. But the company is not feeling well with this system implementation because the present working is still heavily paper-based. So they have aimed to implement the SAP R/3 project for the better organizational working and management. The most common factor in both companies’ projects is the renovation of the old organizational working environment to a new and efficient ERP system. In this scenario, both companies are aimed to implement the new fully automatic system for the better organizational information management. They also have the common aim regarding the gaining the competitive adage through the technology-based organizational system. Another common goal settled by both organizations is the adaptation of new IT-based system as a tool to transform our business processes. They want to the implementation of to create a standard IT platform and in doing so develop new transparent organizational processes. Another of the similarities in both companies project is the implementation of the process re-engineering for their already SAP based organizational management system. This re-engineering process will change and improve the functionalities of the already present SAP-based system to enhance the organizational working. Now I will discuss the main dissimilarities in both organizational projects.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Stock Market efficiency & Company valuation Essay

Stock Market efficiency & Company valuation - Essay Example A fundamental feature of this analysis is the assessments on Majestic Wine plc, which is the foremost mixed case wine retailer in the UK. The company is quoted on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange, which aims to assist companies that are operating on a smaller scale in meeting their requirements of capital for the purposes of expansion (London Stock Exchange 2013a). The categories of analysis for Majestic Wine plc are based on a range of distinct evaluations, which shall assess the share price movements and information flows to the market for the company and also conduct a comprehensive appraisal of the market price of the company’s shares, in accordance with the value assessments methods that are understood to be standard procedures in company valuation. The Significance of the Efficient-Market Hypothesis (EMH) According to Buckle and Thompson (2004, p174) the practical significance of the hypothesis regarding efficient markets is a notion w hich cannot be ignored. The application of this hypothesis postulates that the stock market’s agreement with its observations can lead to a situation where predicting changes in share prices are no longer considered to be viable as the market prices are an exact representation of each and every data or information that is present (Buckle and Thompson, 2004, p174). The classifications of features that can assist in the development of a well-informed discussion regarding stock market efficiency are based on the categories of return predictability, event studies and private information. Buckle and Thompson (2004, p175) understand that assessing these concepts with respect to the London Stock Exchange can uncover whether its functioning is efficient or not. Theoretical Implications of EMH and the Random Walk Model Barnes (2012, p46) highlights the theoretical implications of stock market efficiency which is essentially a system where an informational efficient market is said to b e the cause of allocative efficiency. Accordingly, the basis of this efficiency is examined on three forms that were developed by Eugene Fama and were termed as weak, semi-strong and strong (Barnes 2012, p46). According to Barnes (2012, p46) the weak form is described as a situation in which any new information regarding a company is represented by movements in the new price on an immediate basis, henceforth; this notion follows the ideology which states that new share movements cannot be determined through movements in old share prices. Analysts term this phenomenon as the ‘random walk’. While, several examinations on UK Stock market have aimed to establish its efficiency, numerous competing literatures have uncovered evidences which invalidate these claims. Dimson and Mussavian (1998, p92; 2000, p9) understand that the findings of numerous studies which report the presence of anomalies is indicative of features which oppose the principal of market efficiency. Research es which have pointed towards the occurrences of such characteristics that are largely inconsistent with economic ideologies aim to comprehend the trends in pricing efficiency within stock markets. A piece of empirical evidence which represents the phenomenon of the ‘random walk’ and the presence of its corresponding concept which is known as the ‘weak-form efficiency’ with respect to t

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Opinion of Shared Governance Essay Example for Free

Opinion of Shared Governance Essay What is your opinion of shared governance? â€Å"In shared governance, as in nursing, the primary resources for practice are the providers themselves. Thus, to control practice, nurses must have influence over themselves as a professional group,† ( Hess, R. 2011. P.3). I believe when shared governance is actually thoroughly exercised, nurses claim the power they can have by utilizing leadership and optimal practice. I strongly believe this mindset can greatly improve job satisfaction and patient care outcomes. List short-term and long-term advantages and barriers to this type of model. Short-term: sense of empowerment, nurses can influence the processes, staff becomes accountable for their actions Long-term: improves communication and cooperation/teamwork, promotes compromise, since everyone is involved staff learns to listen to other viewpoints. Compared to other types of organizational structures, is a shared governance model better for nursing? I do believe that shared governance is a better model for structure in nursing. This model promotes democracy and teamwork while others tell you what your goals are; shared governance encourages staff to brainstorm their own goals which fosters pride and compliancy. â€Å"Shared governance is collaboration, whether in scheduling staff, educating new staff, or implementing evidence-based practice. It involves teamwork, problem-solving, and accountability, with the goals of improved staff satisfaction, productivity, and patient outcomes. It is working together to make decisions that affect nursing practice and patient care. It is working with other disciplines for the good of the patient. It is collaborating to improve nursing practice,† (Bonsall, L. 2011. p.1) How do Magnet hospitals fit into the shared governance model? Magnet hospitals and shared governance share many characteristics including excellent teamwork, low nurse burnout/turnover rates, and optimal patient outcomes. Each encourages the nurse to express opinions and listen to others’ as well. Open mindedness is coupled with high standard of practice. These two are highly motivational. Resources: Bonsall, L. (2011). What is Shared Governance? Nursing’sCenter in the Round. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Political Parties And Their Roles In China And Canada :: essays research papers fc

The systems of government in Canada and China are very different. In each country the political party system varies. In China there is a One-party system and Canada has a multiparty system. Canada has a parliamentary form of government and China has a Dictatorship. The two countries have different forms of government in which political parties play different roles. A multiparty system is a system in which several major political parties and many lesser parties exist. Each party in a multiparty system has some specific platform or interest. Since that each party would represent a different specific idea and with many to chose from the system would provide the people with a wide range of choices for the people and better represent them in the government. A multiparty system does tend to lead to instability in the government. With the many parties in the elections, it is difficult for one party to win a majority in an election. Without a majority the power to govern the nation must be shared by a coalition of parties. Which is where the trouble lies. Multiparty systems exist in most European democratic countries today and in parts of the world were Europe has had a large impact on the area. Canada is one such nation with a multiparty system. In contrast to the multiparty system is the one party system. The one party system exists at the national level today in dictatorships. In the dictatorship there is one leader, the dictator, in power over the nation and the party that has sole control over the nation is the party that the dictator belongs to. In this system the people have no real choices with only one party to chose from. China is an example of a country that is governed with a one party system. In Canada there are many parties as is true of all multiparty systems. Some of the more important parties are Canada's New Democratic Party, The Liberal Party of Canada, the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, the Reform Party, The Libertarian Party, the Green Party of Canada, the Natural Law Party of Canada, and the Canadian Action Party, to name a few. Each of these parties has a specific platform that they represent. The Progressive Conservative Party for example is very much like the Conservative Party here in the U.S. This party believes in low taxes to stimulate the economy and less governmental programs to get things going. Political Parties And Their Roles In China And Canada :: essays research papers fc The systems of government in Canada and China are very different. In each country the political party system varies. In China there is a One-party system and Canada has a multiparty system. Canada has a parliamentary form of government and China has a Dictatorship. The two countries have different forms of government in which political parties play different roles. A multiparty system is a system in which several major political parties and many lesser parties exist. Each party in a multiparty system has some specific platform or interest. Since that each party would represent a different specific idea and with many to chose from the system would provide the people with a wide range of choices for the people and better represent them in the government. A multiparty system does tend to lead to instability in the government. With the many parties in the elections, it is difficult for one party to win a majority in an election. Without a majority the power to govern the nation must be shared by a coalition of parties. Which is where the trouble lies. Multiparty systems exist in most European democratic countries today and in parts of the world were Europe has had a large impact on the area. Canada is one such nation with a multiparty system. In contrast to the multiparty system is the one party system. The one party system exists at the national level today in dictatorships. In the dictatorship there is one leader, the dictator, in power over the nation and the party that has sole control over the nation is the party that the dictator belongs to. In this system the people have no real choices with only one party to chose from. China is an example of a country that is governed with a one party system. In Canada there are many parties as is true of all multiparty systems. Some of the more important parties are Canada's New Democratic Party, The Liberal Party of Canada, the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, the Reform Party, The Libertarian Party, the Green Party of Canada, the Natural Law Party of Canada, and the Canadian Action Party, to name a few. Each of these parties has a specific platform that they represent. The Progressive Conservative Party for example is very much like the Conservative Party here in the U.S. This party believes in low taxes to stimulate the economy and less governmental programs to get things going.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analysis of Direct Costs Essay

Introduction Developing and building a drone is one thing while developing a navigation system is completely another aspect. A drone can be considered a toy without a well-engineered design and functional navigation system. The navigation system is mainly used to give commands to the drone to undertake actions that are compatible with the development of the drone. With all the funds that are put into the development of the drones, the navigation system is developed in manner that cannot be prone to outside interference like hackers, terrorist or anyone that would take over the drones navigation system. It must contain a system that will be able to take commands from a single base irrespective of the geographical condition that the drone is in (Bhimani, Horngren, Datar, Rajan, et al, 2012). A prediction of the main cost that is associated with the VectorCal’s drone navigation system production. There are two main costs associated with the production of VectorCal’s drone navigation sy stem, they are direct labor and material costs. There are also two types of labor costs associated with the production of the navigation system, indirect and direct labor. Direct labor is labor consumed in areas that have a direct connection with the production or provision of service, and it is produced by skilled workers and business operators. An example would be workers who are in the production line of the navigation system. These employees are welders, cutters, engineers, equipment operators, technicians of equipment, mechanical, production supervisors and any employee directly related to the production of the navigation systems. Indirect labor is labor consumed in the administrative areas of business that support production and trade. Employees who are on  the administrative side of the business are what cause an expense, and this cost is indirect because they are not directly responsible for the production of the navigation systems themselves. These employee’s include engineers, assistants, secretaries, drivers, human resources, trainers, marketers and accounting, all employees indirectly related to the production and sale of the produ ct. VectorCal’s navigation systems have two types of Material costs as well, direct materials and indirect materials. Materials or supplies are the basic elements that are transformed into the finished product through the use of labor and manufacturing overhead costs in the production process. The material costs can be direct or indirect materials are those that can be identified with the production of the finished product, which can be easily seen as part of the product and represents a significant cost of the finished product. Indirect materials are parts or supplies that are involved in the production process of the article, but not classified as direct materials. A good example would be nuts and bolts used in the production process, and as such are considered an indirect materials manufacturing cost. A comparison of the direct and indirect cost that is associated with the navigation system within VectorCal and my company. The main cost within the development of a navigation sy stem for VectorCal’s or Remote Control Unlimited’s drone, will be in labor and material cost. The labor cost will mainly be used in the acquisition of highly trained and experienced programmers. The programmers will have to work in a team since the navigation system is quite a complex task and numerous ideas are required. One team of programmer can be working on the global positioning and tracking system of the drone while another team will be entitled in safeguarding the system from unauthorized access and interference. It also crucial to note that, the drone navigation system will need constant maintenance and improvement, which is a continuous labor cost. The labor cost can be predicted to vary from $12 million to $16 million only on the system development without taking into consideration the maintenance labor cost. Material cost of the drone navigation system may involve the use of highly specialized pieces of electronics and equipment. In some cases where drones are used for long distance missions, a satellite may be used. The material cost can be predicted to vary from $4 million to $7.5 million depending on the functionality of the drone. The main cost may be high but  this is mainly due to the fact that it is being developed from scratch. After the navigation system is developed, it can be used on multiple drones with the only requirement of maintenance and upgrading the system. The main cost can be considered to be a one off cost that is extremely crucial. The total main cost will range from $16 million to $23.5 million and may need further analysis of hidden costs. The direct cost is seen to be almost similar with extremely little difference in range. However the indirect costs have quite a big difference. VectorCal’s indirect cost will be quite minimal since they will adopt an already working rationale in the development of their drone navigation system. This means that they will follow an example of an already working system and thus reduce mistakes and repetitions that would cost the company quite huge sums of money. The only way to control both the cost is by emulating an already successful idea and le arning through it. This reduces mistakes and tends to guide new developments in what to do and what not to do. The result will be saving time and huge expenses (Chadwick, 2002). Compare your company with VectorCal relative to the price of acquisition, semi variable costs, and allocated direct and indirect costs of the drone navigation system. The acquisition cost of a fixed asset is the economic sacrifice to acquire the asset and make it ready to be used in an activity. It includes the purchase price and any other necessary expenses such as freight, broker fee’s, registration procedures in the case of goods whose domain must be registered like a drone or airplane. The cost of purchasing function, platform construction, assembly, testing and staff training By comparing Remote Control Unlimited and VectorCals relative price of acquisition, VectorCal price will quite high compared to Remote Control Unlimited’s price, since it is already running and has firm roots within the market. Also VectorCal has a proven credibility within the market, a thing that Remote Control Unlimited will be striving to acquire. The semi-variable costs are composed of fixed and variable costs, such as salaries are fixed costs, but overtime is considered a variable cost. Both companies direct costs are incurred when purchasing products to ensure the production of the navigation systems, but the indirect costs are those related to administrative salaries, office costs, and membership costs. Setting up a business and running it to profitability is not a simple issue, but it can be simplified with good  planning and market research. References Bhimani, A., Horngren, C., Datar, S., Rajan, M. et al. (2012) Management and Cost Accounting. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Prentice Hall, p.369 – 378. Chadwick, L. (2002) Essential Finance and Accounting for Managers. Harlow, London, New York, Massachusetts, San Francisco, Toronto, Son Mills, Sydney PearsonEducation, p.280-281 Direct Labor, Direct Materials, and Overhead, (nd). Candace Webb, Demand Media, (nd), Labor Cost Vs. Material Cost. Definition of ‘Acquisition Cost’, (nd), Direct vs Indirect Costs, (nd),

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Political Nature Of Music Essay

Music has influenced man in a lot of ways and it can be evidently seen in the events that have occurred throughout the years. The vastness of music’s capability to create influential concepts and ideas ranges from the smallest of intents to the broadest of intentions. Politics is not an exemption to the scope of musical boundaries. Through the years, music has provided various influential impacts to society and to politics. In the United States, music has become a popular method to promote political intentions. Music and Politics Through the years music has evolved and added up different genres from time to time. This aspect of music provides a wider range of impact on different types of music lovers. From punk to hip-hop, jazz up to pop, these different musical styles possess the influential aspects that determine the concept of music and its ability to affect people. There are various artists and bands who blatantly express their political outcries through the use of their music. There have been the bands from the past until present who showcase their protests to political leaders and their actions. To these bands, their capability to influence people most especially the die hard fans makes them believe that they can make an impact or better yet a change to society. This potential of bands to influence and affect the perceptions of people is a powerful tool that displays music’s power. Bands and artists that showcase their political views creates a controversial stir due to the fact that not all people have the same political views. Despite all of this, these bands continue to stand on their opinions and still create music to promote their side. There are also those bands and artists who promote politically but does not display their political side. These artists are the ones who advertise people to vote. Due to the greatness of music’s influence especially on the youth of today, artists promote political awareness and help these youth to care for the country and vote. There have been various commercials of bands or artists who display their stand to vote. Years ago, artists started to create the thought of â€Å"vote or die†. This shows their strong stand to help people vote. If there are the musical artists who promote their stand to vote, there are also those who oppose the actions of political leaders. For instance, there are several music artists who display their strong stand against President Bush’s actions especially of the decision to send the country’s troops to Iraq. Years ago, there became a nationwide controversy regarding the Dixie Chicks opposing President Bush. This has led to different scenarios. This is just one example of music artists expressing their side. Through the years there are the bands like the notable punk artists such as the Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, The Clash and Green Day who have been notorious to utilize controversially political lyrics that bash the administrations. There are so many other bands who make use of their lyrics and catchy sounds to stir up messages that bring forth impact. We already jumped to the present times but the 1960s and 1970s are the decades that have really made expressionistic views through music. From the influential music of the rock bands of that era up to the formulation of the phenomenal rock concert named Woodstock, politics has served as a source of musical â€Å"revolution†. Woodstock, is the whole epitome of music serving as a tool towards political views. It is one of the most phenomenal events of history, a compilation of musical artists who serve for a single and peaceful cause. An expression of peace and a blatant display of care and intent to provide a better resolution to the war during those times, Woodstock became a festival of driven intention to promote peace and somehow express the side of the youth towards the actions of the American government especially pertaining to the Vietnam War then. Jumping back to the present, music’s influence stands on different aspects. In the United States, such prominent music icons serve as the most influential artists that can accumulate a larger prospective view. There are those artists who serve for patriotic intentions while there are those who serve for what they think is better for the country. It’s hard to count all these artists and specify their political views but the whole point is that the power of music is so great that when people choose to believe in it, their views and principles can be altered by music’s life-changing influences. For music lovers and the die hard fans, most of them copy or imitate their favorite artists or bands, and in turn, some of them find it cool to follow their footsteps or even yet their views. Such is the power of music that it can affect political views and principles of people. Music can unite people but it can also segregate people. The genres are the ones which takes care of the segregation part but with the evolution of music today, the genres have become side by side with views and perceptions. All of them serve as the segregating factor. But nonetheless, music still has the power to unite and make people believe in something. Though it is a fact that all people don’t possess the similar views, with regards to politics for that matter, there is a magnanimous challenge for music to unite everyone. The socio-economic class of people vary in a lot of ways and music also takes a part on it. As it is widely known, African Americans mostly take the side of Jazz, Hip-Hop and R&B due to their history while the Whites take country music, pop, rock and punk. Segregation can also be evidently seen in these types of music which appeal to certain groups of people. All in all, music has served great not only in the United States but also around the world. The contributions of music to the history of the world somehow have created the different impacts on events. Whether be it on the past or today, music’s vast power to capture a single person’s political point of view is quite underrated. To some it may not look like as a big factor, but to some it also means a lot. Some people love music and that love for music helps them to believe in something. Personally, my political views have been strong from the start. It’s not that music has influenced me or something, but seeing my favorite bands and artists taking a stand on what I believe in makes me feel that I am on the right side. Music helped me to become what I am today. It made me realize that someway, somehow I have something to believe in, something to be a fan of, and that I share this feeling with other people around the world. Music is a part of my life. I could not imagine my world without music. Though I know that not all people agree on my views, I still believe that music helps me to believe in something. The poetry of the lyrics, the awesome guitar rifts, the fast pace of the drums or even just the enlightening voice of the artist, these factors are the ones that helps me to create peace of mind and believe in something that has power and influence. Although I may not share the political views of all people, my music helps me take a stand and realize my worth and the worth of the country. Music artists have personally influenced me to vote and take a political stand but on what stand that is, it’s all up to me. Such is the power of music, it can alter, influence, and unite people.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dominican Immigrants in America Essay Sample

Dominican Immigrants in America Essay Sample Dominican Immigrants in the U.S. Essay Sample Dominican Immigrants in the U.S. Essay Sample The Dominican Republic is an agro-industrial country with the rapidly growing economy. In terms of economic growth, the country occupies one of the first places in Latin America. Tourism is a leading source of foreign exchange earnings. The spheres of telecommunications, free trade zone and manufacturing are the most important sectors, although agriculture still occupies a large part of the country’s economy. After a decade of almost zero growth in the 80s, there is a boom of the Dominican economy with the growth of economic indicators by 7.7% per year on average. Despite the fact that the gross domestic product has tripled in the last decade, 70% of the population suffers from poverty and unemployment (Phillips and Gritzne 70). However, the government, along with foreign aid, seeks to improve the economic situation of the country. Economy of the Country The Dominican Republic was discovered in 1493 by Christopher Columbus. Nowadays, the country is a native land to a great number of indigenous peoples. The Dominican Republic has a population of about 10 million people. They are people from Asia, Africa, Syria, and Europe. The biggest cities are Santiago de los Caballeros and Santo Domingo. There are about 50% of young people under the age of 20 years. The average life expectancy is about 74 years (Jaramillo and Sancak 8). The Dominican Republic is a country with a flourishing economy. Economic growth is the highest in Latin America. â€Å"The rapid recovery of the Dominican Republic’s economy contrasts with other countries in the Caribbean and Central America, which are experiencing much less growth† (International Monetary Fund 17). The economic development in the Dominican Republic was largely associated with the adoption of sane macroeconomic policies and larger openness to foreign investments. â€Å"The Dominican Republic had favorable growth trends between 1960 and 2000, largely fueled by productivity gains and capital accumulation† (Jaramillo and Sancak 10). The growth turned negative in 2003 (-0.4%) due to the effects of major bank fraud and lower demand in the United States for products of Dominican producers. The administration of President Mejia was unable to stop the decline of economic indicators. In January 2005, under the new president Leonel Fernandez, the country received the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund in the field of tax legislation. In 2003-2004, Dominican peso fell to historically low levels in the currency markets. Nevertheless, it significantly strengthened after the election of President Leonel Fernandez. The inflation rate fell to 9% per year. Fernandez’ administration efforts led to the improvement of the economic situation. Nevertheless, it happened not in all sectors. The objectives of reforms in the energy sector and the financial markets were not achieved. Statistical data of the Central Bank show 10.8% growth in 2006 with 5.0% inflation. The Central Bank considers that the economy grew by 7.9% in the first six months of 2007 with an inflation rate of 5.9% (Phillips and Gritzne 71-72). â€Å"In 2008, the country’s GDP was estimated to have been about $ 77 billion† (Phillips and Gritzne 71). In 2013, the volume of GDP was $ 61.16 billion. The growth rate in 2013 was 4.6%. The country’s share in the world economy is 0.07%. The unemployment rate is 17%. In 2014, inflation reached 3% (The Dominican Republic). The Dominican Republic has a great external debt. A significant amount of public debt restrains the growth of economic well-being of the country. The balance of trade is at the level of the deficit. The United States is the most important trading partner of the Dominican Republic. Japan, Western Europe, and Canada are also foreign trade partners of the country (The Dominican Republic). The Dominican Republic, like any other country, faces a number of problems. Unemployment is one of them. In the Dominican Republic, about 17% of the population is unemployed. This number exceeds the world average index. Nevertheless, it is still not extremely high. In the long term, this problem can be solved. However, the main and most difficult problem is poverty. The share of the poor population is about 30%. To solve the problem of poverty, the government actively cooperates with the World Bank. For example, on July 6, 1999, the World Bank provided a loan for the next three years in the amount of $ 360 million to fight against poverty. Strategies have been developed, according to which the World Bank will support the economic and social development of the country. These strategies have been focused on investing in the health and education sectors, as well as on the reform of telecommunications, sanitary support, and other institutions. These reforms are aimed at establishing a cl ear policy, more effective management and delivery of services. The World Bank approved the project at $ 42 million aimed at providing educational opportunities to children from low-income families. The Dominican Republic also receives credits from the IMF to struggle with the global financial crisis. IMF recommends the Dominican Republic to widen the tax base and diminish tax exemptions (International Monetary Fund 21). The Dominican Republic has a hard condition of education. â€Å"The provision of a quality public education is one of the Dominican Republic’s most fundamental challenges† (IBP 86). In 2010, the Dominican Republic, and the Inter-American Development Bank signed several arrangements on financial encouragement for educational drafts in the country. The amount of funds amounted to $ 150 million. According to the first arrangement, a credit of $ 100 million was intended for the development of the productivity of the school timetable and classes at schools, as well as the development of the digestibility of the material. Under the second agreement, a loan of $ 50 million was aimed at supporting the plan for the improvement of education in the Dominican Republic for the next decade. According to the plan, it is necessary to improve the results of students in mathematics, writing, and reading. The funds were also used to purchase new equipment and materials for schools (IBP 86 ). The health system of the Dominican Republic is greatly developed. In accordance with the agreement on the integration with the United States, new and modern equipment for operations and diagnostics was brought to the Dominican Republic. Many doctors are trained in different countries. In addition to public hospitals, private clinics are also widely developed (Boslaugh 135). A system of insurance is widespread. â€Å"The Dominican Republic has a universal medical benefits system and a social insurance system proving cash benefits to the employed and pensioners† (Boslaugh 135). In many cases, it covers 100% of the cost of medicines. The traditional branches of industry are food (sugar production), mining and processing of metals and metal-containing raw materials (gold, bauxite, and iron-ore), and cement production. â€Å"The country was once known primarily for sugar production, but today, mining, manufacturing, services, and tourism are some of the most important industries† (Phillips and Gritzne 71). Tourism is the most important source of foreign exchange earnings. At present, tourism is one of the most significant sources of income of the Dominican Republic. Annually, more than 3 million tourists visit the country. Free Trade Zones Free trade zones began to appear in the second half of the last century as an alternative to the fading sugar industry. The drop in demand for sugar together with an increase in oil prices in this period led to a critical situation in the economy of the Dominican Republic. Free trade zones have been established by the government for the development of economic potential and promotion of the inflow of foreign investment. Currently, free trade zones provide a very substantial profit. Textiles, clothing, and small electronic products are exported. Companies are exempt from the state taxes and customs duties on raw materials and finished products. In 2006, over 350 thousand people were occupied on the enterprises of the free trade zones. The enterprises, which are mainly textile and garment factories, provide 80% of the national trade imports (Pinon, Mejia, Garza and Delgado 118-119). Agriculture of the Dominican Republic Agriculture in the Dominican Republic provides almost half of the national income and a large amount of export earnings (Foley and Jermyn 38). The main agricultural products of the Dominican Republic are sugarcane, coffee, cotton, cocoa, tobacco, corn, tropical fruit, and others. â€Å"The Dominican Republic raises enough livestock for domestic use as well as export† (Foley and Jermyn 43). Livestock is cows, pigs, goat, horses, donkeys, and others. In the north of the Dominican Republic, there are plantations of cocoa, which has gradually become an important export item. In the area of Santiago tobacco is grown. It is also exported. The tobacco and food industries account for about 75% of the value of manufactured goods. The most developed industry is the production of sugar. On the state-owned 12 sugar factories, 70% sugar is made. Sugar was the main source of income of the Dominican Republic. However, after the negative changes in the sugar market, the government decided to promote other crops suitable for export – coffee, cocoa, tobacco, and tropical fruit. More than 40% of the area of the Dominican Republic is set aside for agricultural use and pastures. With the improvement of breeds of cattle, the country has become a supplier of meat to neighboring islands. About half of the agricultural land belongs to the group of large landowners and the government (Foley and Jermyn 41-42). After a decade of almost zero growth in the 80s, there is the boom of the Dominican economy, with the growth of economic indicators by 7.7% per year on average. Nowadays, tourism is the basis of the economy. The export of sugar, coffee, and tobacco is also of great importance. The economic growth of the Dominican Republic is one of the highest in Latin America. Nevertheless, the country still faces numerous problems. Despite the developed industries, poverty and unemployment are not rare in the Dominican Republic. The share of the poor population includes about 30%. Dominican Immigrants in the United States In the article, R.S. Oropesa and L.Jensen raised the prominent topic of immigration and discrimination of Dominicans in the United States, putting a spotlight of the research on the new destinations, assimilation and incorporation processes. The main thesis of the article authors present is that the observed diversification of immigrant destinations in the United States brings new experiences of interpersonal and institutional discrimination, which are determined by racial markers, forms of capital and incorporation, along with exposures to the United States. The Dominican immigrants seem to be a bright example of the minority that recently have been changing the place of residence on the territory of the USA. In their desperate attempt to start a new prosperous life, displeased Dominicans leave their long-suffering homeland and noisy oversaturated with immigrants New York, making Reading, Pennsylvania the most growing city in the number of Dominicans in the whole country (p.277). Based on the official statistics authors claim that the Hispanic group takes 37 percent of all the population of Reading, diversified in three main subgroups: Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and Dominicans. When taking a quick glance on the comparison of social and economic conditions of three main Hispanic groups in the city, it becomes clear that Dominicans are the most disadvantaged group, which suffers a lot more than other Hispanics from poverty and unemployment (p.276). Dominican Immigrants and Discrimination Apart from the evident low socioeconomic status, the authors investigate the discrimination the Dominicans face. As a result, the significant majority of the Dominican immigrants appears to be treated unjustly because of their race and ethnicity, which is a result of the unreceptive attitude of the local people and institutions in the place of immigration (p.280). Furthermore, different types of discrimination influence the intensification of the assimilation processes of Dominicans. In order to support the thesis, authors signify that discrimination is especially relevant to Dominicans since they are â€Å"Spanish speakers with phenotypical characteristics that are associated with African ancestry† (p. 277, 281). Authors claim that being appraised as blacks because of the skin color, Dominicans get associated with the underclass, and, as a result, face problems on the different levels of social life. The recent reports claim that the discrimination on the racial and ethnic ba sis is a major problem Dominicans face in the American host society (p.280-281). In fact, it is hard to dispute the numbers indicating the unpleasant experiences Dominican share on being discriminated both on the interpersonal and institutional levels. The authors provide a new information indicating that 42 percent of the respondents claim to be treated unfairly by institutions and their representatives such as employers, the police, and educators (p.288). Additionally the overwhelming majority (78 percent) of respondents indicate that the roots of an unfair treatment are connected with race or ethnicity (p.291). In addition to racial markers, the endowments that immigrants possess play a significant role in the discrimination issue. Education, finances, and cultural resources also determine the levels of adjustment of immigrants to the host society (p.280). The possession of the named resources makes easier for immigrants to launch into the middle class of the host society, which increases self-esteem and gives less precedents to feel discriminated. However, most of the immigrants are left beyond the measurement of middle class and, therefore, continue to face more frequent hiring rejections, unequal residential outcomes, unjustified criminal sentencing than white people. Consequently, the Dominican immigrants cannot fully integrate with the host society. Even though the low English language proficiency, insufficiency of proper education and skills restrain the assimilation process, authors state that realization of discrimination and its negative connotations becomes evident with â€Å"age and different types of human capital such as English language ability† (p.281-282). Thus, authors gradually provide an understanding of what discrimination of immigrants in the modern society means. In this research, scholars used both primary and secondary sources. The information of the primary source was unpublished but directly connected to the article, while the secondary sources include the published and widely known information on the topic. Altogether, these sources work as a basis to ensure the reliability of the main points, which support the thesis of the research. Studying the background of the topic, authors get the knowledge from an impressive amount of books, journals, and reports that shed light on the understanding of the main notions of immigration, discrimination, and theories of immigrant assimilation. In order to deeper understand the subject, they go back to the historical background of immigrants in the United States found in the publications and scholar researches as well as books of known authors. For example, claiming the diversification of immigrant destinations in the United States, they refer to the works of Massey and Capoferro , Singer , and others. When presenting the socioeconomic disadvantages faced by Dominican nation as a whole they refer to the National Research Council and works of Portes and Rumbaut . Alba and Nee research gave a scholar insight on how institutional environment and human capital may cause the discrimination of immigrants. Finally, the best source for approaching the experiences and beliefs of Dominic ans is the National Survey of Latinos , which was conducted in 2002 and is one of the core sources authors refer to. The letter one, in the fact, is an example of primary source, which once brought new data and knowledge to the researched field. In order to find new issues, scholars compared the national survey of 2002 and the new one, which conducted themselves. The undeniable evidence of the bold discrimination of Dominicans authors represented through the collection of the reports of the occurrences of discrimination by the institutions or on the interpersonal level in the city of Reading. They utilized an ethnosurvey conducted in 2004 with 61 residents of Reading, Pennsylvania, who were born in the Dominican Republic. They modeled a survey according to the previously conducted templates. Scholars had a goal to determine how immigrants frame their experiences in terms of discrimination and what could be the reasons of unfair treatment. Thus, using the knowledge they received from the secondary sources, they made a survey, which brought a highly valued input into the field of study. Furthermore, with a help of carefully selected analytical techniques, the scholars were able to make calculations, build tables, and make relevant conclusions. In my opinion, this article presents a highly valuable research on the conditions of the life of Hispanic groups in the United States, and makes it possible to understand what discrimination is in the modern society. Even though a black-white racial paradigm in American society has its powerful significance, many people are ready to believe that being the most democratic state the USA has already phased the racial violence out. In the desperate attempt to reach the coveted prosperity, wealth, and worthy conditions of living thousands of people worldwide resettle to the United States, especially from such poor countries as The Dominican Republic. However, the immigrants often face the discrimination from the host society. From the empirical point of view, the article is an enlightening revelation of the perspective of the Dominican immigrants that connect their hardships of the living situation to the fact that they are often associated with African Americans. Despite the fact that ar ticle does not give precise answers to the disturbing questions of whether immigrants really are subjects to discrimination and to which extent, we still have an opportunity to get remarkable insights. For instance, we have a chance to look at the American society in a Reading microcosm from the immigrants’ perspective and be more aware of how some of them still face unfair treatment on the institutional and interpersonal levels. Furthermore, exciting is the fact that English language proficiency has a different effect on Dominicans socioeconomic well-being. It is opposite to what people used to think. It would seem correct to think that poor English language skills create barriers for the immigrants and force them to feel as underclass, while the only barrier is not being aware of the discrimination of the host society. It is curious about the real reasons influencing the assimilation of Dominicans in the area. Authors concluded that assimilation is tightly connected with integration processes and perceptions of discrimination, which could be further investigated. Psychological part manifested in the immigrants’ observation of themselves seems to be very intriguing as it shed light on the immigrants’ awareness of being discriminated and feeling themselves as a separated part from the host society. The question to which extent the Dominicans’ perceptions of discrimination reflect the real unfairness in the area and what, in fact, influences mostly the assimilation processes, still has to be investigated. Incompleteness of the knowledge basis is a constant trigger for sociological studies. In this research, authors give a push for the further explorations of the issue. Authors have completed their mission and given a start to the process of thinking and estimating in the readersâ €™ minds.

Monday, November 4, 2019

According to case study...calculate data then analysis it about Essay

According to case study...calculate data then analysis it about Foreign exchange market - Essay Example My paper discusses some political risks, the implications, methods of valuation of stock, and risks associated with buying a business. Peterson Valve Company is interested in Milagrol LTDA because he thought of diversifying its operations globally and to gain access to processes that would be costly to develop. Milagrol LTDA needed the capital to support research and development to expand the business and they believed in venturing into a merger to be able to manage the research to expand the business. Milagrol was an already established company and had its share value in the market so Peterson did not have to start from scratch to develop the company. In buying a business an investor has to ensure that they have access to all important information about the company being bought, this way they can assess the potential risks associated with buying it and the real value of the business (Juha, 2008). Accessing all information of the company involves checking all the dimensions of the business such as financial performance, legal and tax compliance, contracts, property and rights and all assets and liabilities within a specified period of time (Miller, 1992). Some of the risks involved include changes in the branding of the company. These information will be crucial in making the buying decision and also help the values in reaching to a final method of stock valuation. The customers of Milagrol LTDA may have problems with a change in the management. Smart accountants can hide items such as debts of the company from the balance sheet and some of the expenses from the income statement hence acquiring a business with accumulated debts. C onsider the possibility of transferring losses from the old company to the newly acquired business, the practice of moving the business assets allows the newly acquired management to differentiate assets that they can develop from long term and short term losses.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Working with and Leading People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Working with and Leading People - Essay Example Since we worked as a team, the activities and assessments seemed to be much easier. The learning experience of working in a team is highly commendable because students have the opportunity to share ideas and to benefit from collaborative learning, assertions supported by Gallegos and Peeters (2011, p. 33). This paper will present an in-depth reflection on my experience of working in a team. From my experience, working in a team is highly beneficial as it promotes higher levels of efficiency because several individuals work on a task together and have the opportunity to combine their efforts. As identified by Hansen (2006, p. 16), the level of efficiency attained when working in a group is much higher than the efficiency resulting from a single individual. For example, we worked on a series of activities as a team, a factor that registered higher levels of efficiency. For example, we were able to complete the activities in a shorter time span compared to an individual working on the activities alone. Since the team members were willing to cooperate, we completed most of the activities in record time (Volkov & Volkov 2015, p. 269). I noted the difference in the quality of work produced, a factor, which is related to efficiency. Therefore, working in a team promotes efficiency in two different aspects. According to the skills identified by Hughes and Jones (2011, p. 60), a team can produce a higher quantity of work, which meets the expected quality. In terms of speed, the activities were completed in a short time because the group designated different roles and responsibilities for all the members of the team. Working in a team allowed students with different capacities and talents to work together. Therefore, it was possible to undertake a collaborative learning because we share ideas. The sharing of ideas between different members of the team was highly beneficial because each member learned new ideas. As